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  • Event date: 24/12/2022
  • Updated on: 24/12/2022
  • Total Photos: 73
Description: Festival of love The Christmas celebrated in of St. Joseph rajajipuram branch. On the eve of Christmas, the tiny tots of the primary wing of St. Joseph celebrated the Christmas festival with great pomp and show. In the huge premises of the school in which children from Play-way to primary participated enthusiastically dressed in colorful outfits. Dressed up children showcased and celebrated the birth of Lord Jesus Lively. Seeing which everyone got mesmerized and appreciated this live staging of young children. Hundreds of tiny children dressed as Santa Clause frolicked and groups of children and teachers sang carols and prayed to Lord Jesus for the welfare of the world. On this occasion, the founder chairperson of the St. Joseph group Mrs. Pushpalata Agarwal said that it is the duty of the school to introduce children to different religions and cultures. On this occasion Santa also distributed gifts to the children, and people also enjoyed with Santa. A large number of parents and local residents were also present. Managing Director Anil Agarwal praised the primary teachers for successfully getting this program done by the children. On this occasion, Principal urged the children to follow the path of love and peace shown by Lord Jesus and implement his teachings in life